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We welcome volunteers who could lend a hand with any of the following tasks, which would help sustain or increase the reach of our programs: music, dance or drama instructors; assistance in group classes (online or in person); social media posts; website management; marketing; fundraising; program registration; 2-week summer arts camp (weekdays). (Note that some of the volunteer tasks can be done remotely. Note also that volunteers who interact directly with children will be required to obtain a police check.)

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    St. James Town Children’s Choir (SJTCC)

    Excellence in choral training, local and city wide performance opportunities

    Visit our Videos page to watch and listen!

    • Offered to school aged children in Grades 1 and up
    • Thursdays 4 – 5 pm
    • Unlimited participants
    • Yearly registration fee of $20/family.

    Ukulele Choir

    Learn to play this instrument perfect for young hands

    • Offered to children in Grades 4 – 6
    • Saturdays 5:30 pm
    • Maximum 8 participants